WGCF-1090 Bandpass Cavity Filter

1090 MHz Bandpass Cavity Filter for ADS-B and TCAS Applications

WGCF-1090 is a special sharp cavity filter designed especially for ADS-B applications.

The center frequency of this filter is 1090 MHz.

ParameterParameterFrequency [MHz]MinTyp.MaxUnit
Pass BandCenter Frequency1090-1090-MHz
Pass BandInsertion Loss1086-1094-1.62dB
Pass BandVSWR1086-1094-1.41.8:1
Stop Band, LowerInsertion LossDC-10607590-dB
Stop Band, LowerVSWRDC-1060-20 or higher-:1
Stop Band, UpperInsertion Loss1115-30007590-dB
Stop Band, UpperVSWR1115-3000-20 or higher-:1

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